Markétka from the Czeck Republic, has always been an active and happy girl, she enjoys sports and being creative. It wasn’t until the age of 2, that her parents became concerned about her height after they noticed she wasn’t growing at the same rate as her classmates. As she grew older, more people began to comment on her small stature too including other parents. It was at this moment, her paediatrician decided to monitor her growth.
Keeping track of your child’s growth rate can help identify if there is any cause for concern. Use our online growth calculator to compare your child’s measurements with the national average and see if they are within a healthy range.
After a few months of monitoring, her paediatrician saw that Markétka was not growing as she should. This is an indicator of growth hormone deficiency and to confirm, she underwent further tests including bone scans and X-rays, to determine her bone age. You can learn more about growth disorders and how they can be diagnosed here.
Over the next 2 years, Markétka began her growth hormone deficiency treatment. By detecting the difference in her growth early, she has the chance to grow to an average height and reach her full potential. You can watch her full story below.

Calculate your child’s growth
It is important to keep track of your child’s growth in order to identify if there is a problem early on. We recommend measuring your child every 6 months, which is now easier with our simple to use growth calculator.